NHS Board & Society Information and Documents

NHS Society & Board News and Information (Click on a Section or Scroll Down)

Current Board Members


Adam Asquini

Vice Chair

Kristie Derkson

Secretary and Treasurer

Vincent Tong


Jason Clarke


Dan Hanson


Adam Koziak


Trevor Panas

To contact the Board Chair, please fill out the form and we will reply as soon as we can.

Upcoming Meetings

General Meetings

The next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in November, 2024.



Location: New Horizons Charter School 

Agenda Package: 

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held monthly throughout the year. The Board establishes meeting dates at its operational meeting in October. 

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: New Horizons Charter School with a virtual viewing option. 

Agenda Package: 

Society Membership

Parents, community members, administration and staff members are all eligible to become Society members by completing a Declaration of Understanding. Membership must be renewed annually. Membership status grants voting ability at Society meetings, eligibility for nomination to a position on the Board and other privileges as outlined in the Bylaws.

Board Elections

Board elections were held at the SGM on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. 


Meeting Minutes and Board Documents

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