Fundraising Association of New Horizons School

 FANHS Executive

Contact by Email

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Interim President

Rebecca Koziak​

Vice President

Amanda Bullion


Julie Jackson



Volunteer Coordinator

Hayley Tarnasky


Eeksha Kakkan


Denette Leask


Fundraising Association of New Horizons School

The Fundraising Association of New Horizons School (FANHS) is the fundraising body for New Horizons School. 

FANHS raises funds to pay for items identified in School Council’s Funding Allocation. Each year, School Council, with input from the school, develops a Funding Allocation plan that identifies what needs some extra funding such as special items for student clubs, sponsoring school community events, building playgrounds, supporting special events such as concerts, and providing extra technology support.

Therefore, although FANHS raises money for the school, it does so by going through School Council.

FANHS organizes a variety of fundraising events throughout the year to support the students, teachers and school by way of requests made in the Funding Allocation.

Follow us on Facebook to be the first to hear about our fundraisers and volunteer opportunities!

School Council or FANHS … What’s the Difference?

While School Council and FANHS are both composed of parents from NHS, they are two separate entities.

School Council  is a group of parents, the principal, a teacher and community representatives who work together to support and enhance student learning. They act as a means for members of the school community to consult with and offer advice to the principal and the school board.the representative parent body of the school that is created through the Education Act (Section 55)  Additional legal requirements are identified in the School Council Regulations. All NHS parents are members of School Council by virtue of having a child registered in the school. 

 FANHS is also composed of parents from NHS. However, it is separate from the school in that it is governed by the Societies Act and associated Societies Regulations. In order to be a voting member of FANHS, parents must register with the association as they would with any other association. However, anyone may participate in a FANHS fundraiser without being a member.

How Does FANHS Support New Horizons School?

Funding School and School Council Initiatives

Each year, School Council, through feedback from the school, requests funds from FANHS to support items that might ordinarily be difficult or unable to be funded by the school.

The request is put forward to FANHS in something called the Funding Allocation.

  • School Support
  • Classroom Support
  • School Enhancement
  • Community Building / Parent Support
  • School Council Administration
Hot Lunch

Having a break from making lunch is a service many parents value and use.

While Hot Lunch  is a service provided by FANHS, it is also a fundraiser.

See our Hot Lunch Page for more.


Current Fundraisers


All NHS parents are invited to become a member of FANHS and attend our planning meetings. Membership details are provided below.

Regular Meetings

Date: June 19, 2024

Time: 6:00pm

Location: Virtual only, click here


Upcoming Meetings:


Annual General Meeting

Date: TBD

Questions? Contact:

FANHS Membership

Why Membership?

Because FANHS is a society that is separate from the school, getting involved in FANHS as an executive member or voting member requires the annual completion of a membership form.

Members are invited to all meetings, provide ideas, lead events, and vote on the direction that FANHS takes.

FANHS Needs Parental Involvement

FANHS does amazing work and supports the students and school in so many ways.

This amazing work cannot happen without volunteers. All students benefit from the work of FANHS, and the degree of benefit depends upon the involvement of parents.

The more support and involvement that FANHS receives from parents, the larger the benefit for our students.


Our thanks to the New Horizons School parent community for their support. For more information about volunteering, see our Volunteer Opportunities page.

Need assistance or want to contact our volunteer coordinator?  Email

Forms & Documents

Event Form
  • AGLC Casino Volunteer Form – Coming Soon
FANHS Documents
Contact Us