School Spirit
We are very lucky to already enjoy many opportunities for the grades to mingle, learn, and demonstrate leadership:
- Our buddy system sees upper grade students acting as mentors to the younger students for various activities like reading or practising math.
- Our AMA program offers students in grades 5 & 6 the opportunity to provide safety to the entire community by controlling our crosswalk each morning and afternoon.
- Our grade 5/6 kinder patrol program brings added friendship and safety to our kindergarten playground as older students act as supervisors at lunch recess.
- Our Junior High Leadership students often engage with younger students throughout the year.
The New Horizons House Teams are great way to further build school spirit and encourage community throughout the grades.
The program promotes healthy competition between the students and make them work hard, to persevere and achieve the best of their capabilities.
Earning Points
There are many ways students, teachers, and staff can earn house points:
- Working well as a team.
- Finding a creative solution to a problem.
- Performing a task that benefits the class, the school, or the greater community (contributing to initiatives such as food drives)
- Showing school spirit (wearing house colours on Early Dismissal days)
- Excellence in varsity sports, team academic clubs, or sports days.
Many attitudes and behaviours are standard for the entire school while others are age-specific. Awarding points is entirely at the discretion of staff and teachers and will be in alignment with their overall classroom or individual student goals.

Points for the entire school are tallied and publicized on our website in real-time. Points for each class are also recorded and available at the request of the teacher. Teachers may reward the leading house of their classroom at any time throughout the year.
The leading house at the end of the year is awarded the House Cup.
Have any ideas for a year-end celebration for the winning house? Come join the School Council’s monthly meetings to share your ideas!

Early Dismissal Spirit Days
Early Dismissal days are the easiest way to earn points for your house. Come to school dressed in your House Colours OR in Nighthawks gear or colours to earn a point for your house.
Don't Know Your House Colour?
House Colours are assigned to students in Kindergarten in the fall.
House lists are not publicized. Teachers hold lists of house colours for their classroom. If your student does not know to which house they belong, have them ask their teacher.
Purchase NHS Spirit Wear
Spirit Wear is typically sold twice per year, in the fall and winter. Keep your eyes on the ENEWS for sales opening or check this site.