The Week Ahead: May 15-19


Monday,  May 15

  • Litterless Picnic Lunch
    Students are invited to bring a litterless lunch (reusable containers/bags only) and have a picnic in the gym from 12:16-12:36 pm. We will set up mats and play some nature tunes while students eat.

Tuesday,  May 15

  • Techless Tuesday
    Students and staff will pick a half hour/hour in the day when they use no electronic devices (no iPads, Chromebooks, laptops or even lights ,if possible!). Students can bring flashlights to use for that time if they wish!

Wednesday,  May 16

  • Waste Wednesday
    We will participate in the county pitch-in from 2-3 pm on this day. We will get the students into their house teams and they can work within their houses to collect litter around the school.

Thursday,  May 17

  • Professional Development Day (school not in session for students)

Friday,  May 18

  • School Closure 

Monday,  May 22

  • Victoria Day: School Closure

Tuesday,  May 23

  • Classes Resume 

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