Many students in our school have leadership as one of their IPP goals. This week, several of those leadership activities are continuing.
Monday, June 12
Dodge Ball: NHS student Evan S. began his IPP leadership project last week. It includes organizing and managing a dodge ball tournament for grade 4-6 students. This week his tournament continues during lunch recess today.
Tools For Schools: Students Hailey K. and Kashley M. have organized a drive to collect school supplies for students in need. Tools for Schools, a United Way campaign, supports students across Canada. The campaign is asking for new items that can be put into student back-packs. The drive ends on Friday this week. House points will be awarded for donations.
Tuesday, June 13
- Dance-A-Thon: Last week we published a story about two students, Lauren A. and Meadow H., and their IPP leadership goal. Their goal was to choreograph dances to teach other students, and then using the dance theme to raise funds for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. The second part of their goal was to organize a Dance-A-Thon. Last week, students were invited to donate to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation and by doing so are able to participate in the event.
- On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Dance-A-Thon will occur during lunch recesses.
Wednesday, June 14
Dance-A-Thon: A representative from the Stollery Children’s Hospital will be at NHS just before lunch to receive the funds raised through the Dance-A-Thon
- Board Meeting: 7:00 p.m. in the NHS Learning Commons
Friday, June 16
- Math Fair: Students from grades 4-6 have been working on their math fair projects and will be hosting a math fair. Our math fairs follow the SNAP math fair principles: A SNAP math fair is Student-centered, Non-competitive, All-inclusive, and Problem-based.
- Math fairs provide a meaningful problem-solving experience for all students – for the creators of the projects and the participants.
- The Math Fair will be held from 2-3 p.m. Parents are welcome to join.
- Tools For Schools: Last day for this campaign.