Seeking Student Artists!

We are still accepting student artwork for a poster series that we want to create for our school and classrooms.

Students from New Horizons School are invited to submit their poster ideas for the following words: Learning, Respect, Fairness, Honesty and Safety. Each of these ideas are part of our school social contact:

Our School is a place of LEARNING.

It is a place where we treat each other with RESPECT and HONESTY.

We learn and play in a way that is SAFE and FAIR


~ posters must be submitted on 81/2 X 11 sheets of paper

~ artwork must be the student’s original work

~ the key word (e.g. Respect) may be printed by a computer, but the artwork must be hand-produced

~ students may submit a poster for just one word, but preference will be given to submissions that come as a set with each poster having a common style or theme

~ student name and grade must be printed on the back only

Posters chosen by the selection committee will be professionally reproduced to create classroom sets of the posters.

Entry Deadline: November 7

Please contact us for more information.

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