Parents who drive their students to school in the morning and pick them up after school are aware of the traffic congestion at those times.
During those peak morning and after school times, many people cross the street to get to the school or to their vehicles.
In order to make crossing Hawkins Crescent in front of NHS safer, School Council has approved the purchase of a portable School Crossing sign.
On the morning of Wednesday, April 19, parents driving their children to and from school will see the new sign. It will be placed at the entrance to the parking lot where there is a natural crosswalk.
We urge parents to help their children cross at the crosswalk to avoid jay-walking, and to stay on the school’s sidewalk to avoid crossing the parking lot during peak traffic times.
Please stress with your child that despite the sign, all road safety practices still need to be used – stop, look, extend arm and proceed when safe.
We do have a concern about the sign adding to the congestion, so we will monitor the effect it has. In the meantime, drivers, please do not park in a way that blocks the crosswalk so that pedestrian’s are visible and so that traffic can move around the sign.
Thank you to the NHS School Council for purchasing this sign to help keep our students safe.