Provincial Achievement Tests (PAT) for students in Grades 6 and 9 will be occurring in the last two weeks of school. Grade 7 and 8 final exams will also be occurring.
Monday, June 19
- Grade 6 PAT: Language Arts (Part B)
So You Think You’re Canadian, Eh?: Students from grades 4-6 and 7-9 are invited to create house teams to participate in a Canadian trivia challenge. Students can create multi-grade teams of four, as long as all members are from the same house (Earth, Air, Fire, Water). Students have from today to Wednesday to submit team names. The teams will undergo a preliminary round on Thursday to determine which teams will play off next week.
Tuesday, June 20
- Grade 6 PAT: Math (Part A and Part B)
Wednesday, June 21
- Aboriginal Day: Over the last two weeks, the Junior High students have been receiving training on aboriginal games. On Wednesday morning, the Junior High Students will be teaching the games to the elementary students.
- Junior High Sports Day: Junior High students will be participating in a variety of sport events in the afternoon.
- Modernization – End of Phase 3 Move: We will begin getting access to the renovated room (west side junior high classrooms, Kindergarten Room, and new foods lab/classroom).
Thursday, June 22
- Grade 6 PAT: Social Studies
- So You Think You’re Canadian, Eh? : During lunch recess, teams will enter a preliminary round. Each team will receive a list of Canadian Trivia questions. The teams with the most number of correct responses will qualify for the final next week.
Thursday, June 22
- Grade 6 PAT: Social Studies
Friday, June 23
- Grade 6 PAT: Science
- Grade 7 & 8 Final Exam: Science
- Kindergarten Graduation:
Monday, June 26
- Grade 9 PAT: Social Studies
- Grade 7 & 8 Final Exam: Social Studies
- Division 1 (Grades 1-3) Sports Day: The event will be in the afternoon.
- School Council Annual General Meeting: 7:00 p.m. in the NHS Learning Commons. Click here for more.
Tuesday, June 27
- Grade 9 PAT: Language Arts (Part B)
- Grade 7 & 8 Final Exam: Language Arts
So You Think You’re Canadian, Eh?: House teams play against each other in a trivia challenge. The event begins at 11:15 a.m.
- Division 2 (Grades 4-6) Sports Day: The event will be in the afternoon.
Wednesday, June 28
- Grade 9 PAT: Math
- Grade 7 & 8 Final Exam: Math
- Junior High Sports Day: Junior High students will be participating in a variety of sport events in the afternoon.
- FANHS Annual General Meeting: 6:30 p.m. in the NHS Learning Commons. Click here for more.
Thursday, June 29
- Grade 9 PAT: Science
- Last Day of School For Students:
- Grade 4-9 Awards Ceremony & Grade 9 Farewell:
- The awards ceremony begins at 1:00 p.m.
- The ceremony will include a farewell ceremony to our grade 9 students.
Friday, June 30
- Administration Day: No school for students.
- August 21 to 25: Office Re-Opens
- August 28-29: NHS Staff PD
- August 30: First Day of School For Students