The hot weather over the last two weeks has certainly made it feel like summer is already here! While it is still May, June is just around the corner, and with it comes a flurry of activities.
The warm weather has meant students have the opportunity to run around at recess times and loosen up those stiff muscles from our cold spring.
June is a time for field trips as the weather is warm and makes for enjoyable outdoor excursions.
Some other events to look forward to include Mrs. Watson’s Grade 5 Shakespeare production, an introductory visit from our school elder, and some Indigenous activities as part of our response to the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action. We will also be celebrating our Kindergarten Graduation and and wishing our senior students well at the Grade 9 Farewell.
The end of the year is also exam time. Students in grades 6 and 9 will be writing their Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) while the grade 7 and 8 students will be writing final exams. All of the PATS are posted on the school calendar.
On June 28, the last day of school for students, we will be having our Award Day beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Over the summer, our school will be hosting the Edmonton Debate Camp. Registration is still open for that camp.
Our modernization is essentially completed, and we look forward to a grand re-opening on September 12. More details concerning that event will be forthcoming. However,we will be in construction mode once again as we have been awarded another modular classroom that will be attached to the southeast end of the school where the second modular wing used to exist. The new modular will be home to our second grade 6 class next year.