Happenings at NHS

It has been a busy month at NHS.  We’ve had field trips, Independent Studies Fairs, Math Fairs, drama productions, Indigenous celebrations, Grade 9 Farewell, a Formal Day Dance, fundraisers, Kindergarten Graduation, and the start of final exams.

These photos capture only a part of the excitement that NHS has experienced over the last few weeks.

Thank you to the Rasmussen family who sponsored our Formal Day dance complete with decorations, beverages, glow sticks and great music!
Singer and drummer Mackenzie Brown performed for the students on our Garden of Hearts Day .










Drumming workshops with Mackenzie Brown.
Garden of Hears Ceremony: Elder Strawberry opens with a prayer in her native Cree language.









Garden of Hearts guests.
Indigenous Games








Mrs. Watson’s grade 5 cast in Romeo & Juliet.
Ms. Joly’s graede 5 cast in Macbeth.









Romeo & Juliet
Kindergarten Grad
Kindergarten Grad


Student Led fundraiser for the Pekse family.
Fundraiser organizers Sydney, Isabelle, Kayley, and Jordan raised $375.00 for the Pekse family. Thank you NHS parents for your support!

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