Those of you who were with us last year know that our school has a social contract. It is an agreement about what we value and believe at New Horizons School and helps guides our choices of behavior.
Our school wide social contract reads as follows:
Our school is a place of learning.
It is a place where we treat each other with respect and honesty.
We work and play in a way that is safe and fair.
All who enter our school, whether they be students, teachers, parents, or visitors, are expected to honor our social contract.
Now that a new year has begin, many classrooms have begun establishing their own social contracts.
In the above photos, students in grade 5J examined what they believed was important to consider when behaving in the classroom. From the beliefs come rules or expectations for behavior. This process allows students to understand why a rule is in place, and it empowers them by being able to actively contribute to class expectations.
By exploring rules and the beliefs behind rules, students identify what is important to uphold in the class.
Parents are invited to attend the School Council Meeting on Tuesday September 26 @ 7:00 a.m. to learn more about our approach to managing student behavior at school.