Our Christmas Bureau Drive is underway for this year! Each week we will be collecting different items for the Strathcona Christmas Bureau to help families in need have a bright and merry Holiday season. Students bringing in items will earn points for their house teams.(If your child is unsure of which house they belong to, they can check with Ms. Richardson.) Collection bins are in the lobby and are labelled with the house team names. We have planned to collect certain items during specific weeks to help with organization and sorting of items but will gladly accept any items any time from November 17-December 5!
Collection Schedule
November 17-21: Canned and boxed, non-perishable food items (1 house point per item).
November 24-28: Gifts for teens, adults and seniors. Appropriate items include gift cards, games, scarves and mitts, household items and toiletries. All gifts must be new and unopened. *Gift cards should be taken into the office instead of placed in the bins (2 house points per item as these are highly needed by the Christmas Bureau).
December 1-5: Gifts for Kids. Appropriate gifts include scarves and mitts, games, toys and stuffed animals. All gifts must be new and unopened (1 house point per item).
Last year we had a very successful drive collecting over 1000 items for the Christmas Bureau! We appreciate all of your support in this important community initiative and look forward to another successful collection drive this year!
Any questions should be directed to Ms. Vigfusson.