Serving the ACADEMIC, SOCIAL, and EMOTIONAL needs of gifted learners.

100% publicly-funded within Alberta’s public education system, adhering to Alberta Education’s Programs of Study, and following NHS’s Minister of Education-approved Charter Document.


Charter schools in Alberta:

  • Are public schools.
  • Cannot charge tuition or be religiously affiliated.
  • Teachers are certified in the same manner as all other public school teachers.
  • Students follow the provincially mandated Programs of Study.

“Do you support charter schools as a Choice in Education?” 


New Horizons:

  • Accepts all students that are served by our charter, as space and resources permit.
  • Receives all operational funding from Alberta government grants.
  • The elected Board ensures fiscal responsibility.

“Do you support funding equality for all public schools?”

About New Horizons: A Supportive Environment for Gifted Learners

Established in 1995, New Horizons is Alberta’s oldest — and Canada’s first — publicly funded charter school. As such, we do not charge tuition fees. In accordance with all of Alberta’s Public Charter Schools, New Horizons is designed to address the needs of a particular group of students through a specific program, teaching and/or learning approach, and operates within Alberta’s public education system while adhering to Alberta Education’s Programs of Study as mandated by the Government. As a Charter School, we serve our students through our school’s unique charter. Our vision, as outlined in the New Horizons Charter School Society Charter Document, and as approved by the Minister of Education states that:

New Horizons School will enable gifted students to strive for excellence in a positive academic learning environment that fosters social and emotional support for each student.

New Horizons provides an essential congregated learning environment for gifted learners and serves more than 400 students from Kindergarten through Grade 9 from Strathcona County and other communities across the capital region, including the city of Edmonton. In its mission to support the academic, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners, New Horizons recognizes each student as an individual and supports each student’s unique intellectual, social, and emotional needs. The school provides a safe space for gifted learners to think creatively and alternatively and celebrates each student’s learning strengths, styles, and interests.
The elected New Horizons Charter School Society Board provides strong governance to ensure that the school’s charter and purpose are attained, and that the operational and capital needs to deliver the school’s educational programs in an efficient and effective manner are met.

New Horizons' Priorities

Funding Equality

Providing space and resources are available, as one of Alberta’s Public Charter Schools, New Horizons accepts all gifted students who meet the application requirements as defined in the school’s Charter. As a publicly funded school, New Horizons receives all of our operational funding from Alberta government grants. Through strong governance, the elected Board fiscally manages its resources and focuses on maximizing student learning opportunities while managing its Charter obligations, growing enrolment, and providing an education that has resulted in some of the best educational outcomes in Alberta. 
True choice in education is only possible with an equal opportunity to support our students and sustain our school’s diversity, this will result in the creation of continued efficiencies and even greater educational outcomes for student learning.

Choice in Education

Charter Schools are essential to having a choice in education. In Alberta, Charter schools are public schools — we are publicly funded and have, essentially, the same per student funding. Charter schools are prohibited from charging tuition or being religiously affiliated. These niche schools are designed to address the needs of a particular group of students while adhering to Alberta Education’s mandated Programs of Study, taught by Alberta certified teachers. Families who choose charter schools subscribe to the mission and educational approach of the charter school their children attend.

High School Program

Currently serving more than 400 students in Kindergarten through Grade 9, New Horizons offers two classrooms per grade and has reached capacity for its current location. With its rapidly growing enrollment, the Board continues to pursue space to offer High School Programming — as originally intended in the school’s charter — to further support gifted learners from Strathcona County and other communities across the capital region, including the city of Edmonton.

Resources from ASCA

The Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) is interested in learning political parties education platforms in the upcoming provincial election.

ASCA sent a request to each of the political parties for responses to a series of questions. To view these questions along with party responses, visit the ASCA website.

As party responses are received, they will be shared and posted on the ASCA website.

A Message from TAAPCS

A message from the Executive Director of The Association of Alberta Public Charter Schools.

Visit to sign up and receive additional advocacy information directly from The Association of Alberta Public Charter Schools (TAAPCS).

As a member of the public charter school community in Alberta, we know that you see value in the unique educational opportunities that Alberta public charter schools provide. Thank you for entrusting our wonderful schools with your child’s education.

The Association of Alberta Public Charter Schools (TAAPCS) is an association of Alberta Education approved charter schools that choose to be members and support TAAPCS objectives.

TAAPCS Objectives:

  • To promote and facilitate public charter school education in Alberta
  • To speak with one voice on behalf of public charter schools in Alberta
  • To promote a forum for public charter schools to meet in support of common goals
  • To advocate for continued innovation and choice within public education

In just two weeks, Alberta will be heading to the polls in the provincial election, and as you may know, charter schools have faced some unfounded criticism in the press. It seems, especially in advance of the election, that there is a lot of debate and misinformation out there about how charter schools work in Alberta, who they’re for, and the value they provide within our public education system. We know that some of the myths and opinions on public charter schools contradict the reality of what our schools offer, which is a unique and innovative approach to education that gives parents and students more choice and greater flexibility. Public charter schools are committed to providing students with an outstanding education that meets their individual needs, interests, and abilities. Public charter schools in Alberta also have the ability to explore new approaches to learning and teaching methods, which are proven to lead to higher levels of student achievement.

TAAPCS has begun a charter school advocacy campaign and we are asking you to add your voice in advocating for charter schools in Alberta. We will provide you with a way to stay informed about charter school issues and discussions so that you can support the valuable and innovative education that our member schools offer.

We have put together a valuable election toolkit that is intended to help educate and support stakeholders and enables you to share information about charter schools with others in your family and social circles. You can find the tool kit and sign up to receive additional information by visiting

Charter school families represent only a small fraction of families in the province, so it is especially important that we work together. We sincerely hope you will join us in making our collective voices heard. 

Thank you for your continued commitment to excellence in education.


Kelley Charlebois
Executive Director

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