Many times when a conflict or disagreement occurs in the classroom or out on the playing field, it’s often the loudest voice that wins. One of the key ideas in our school’s social contract is fairness, and having the loudest voice is not the fairest way to resolve a disagreement or conflict.
With a focus on fairness, we are helping our students understand that there are many ways to solve a disagreement without using a loud voice and that is more fair. We can flip a coin, vote, “pick an number,” or … play rock-paper-scissors!
As part of a way of building school spirit during spirit week, and in keeping with our charter goal of providing our students with positive interaction opportunities with others, we are having a school-wide rock-paper-scissors tournament!
We will be holding our tournament during lunch recess over the course of Spirit Week. Being that size and age are not huge factors in a game of rock-paper-scissors, any student from Grade 1-9 can win the school championship!
Because the kindergarten students are in attendance only every second day, they will have a separate tournament.
Below is the schedule.
- meet in the gym during lunch recess. (register in the gym)
- meet in the gym at lunch recess (register in the gym)
- classroom winners
- meet in the gym at lunch recess
- Division Playoffs
- School Championship