Last week, New Horizons School hosted a Volunteer Tea. Each year we have a Volunteer Tea in the spring to thank all the parents who volunteer in the school in some way.
Our parents help us it in so many ways. Some fill formal roles such as the Board of Directors, School Council, and the Fundraising Association of New Horizons School (FANHS). Beyond that, we have numerous parent volunteers assisting us with coaching, being assistant supervisors on field trips, and helping out with special events such as the talent show. Our parents help with special projects such as organizing lost and found, organizing Scholastic Book Orders and Book Fairs, and keeping the Hot Lunch Program up and running. Our school is safer as parents help out at drop off and pick-up times or assist with supervision. There are parents who work behind the scenes helping teacher prepare classroom resources, and some who assist by doing special presentations in classrooms.
This list is long, and likely did not include all the ways that our parents help make our school a great place to be.
In order to show our appreciation, we had our annual Volunteer Tea on April 18. Staff brought in snacks for a light brunch while students from all three divisions provided entertainment in the gymnasium that had students created decorations for tables and walls. Thank you to Ms. Servold for preparing the students and organizing the show!
Our heartfelt thanks is extended to all our volunteers and to all our parents who support us by assisting your children at home. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful parent body!