We at New Horizons School are fortunate to have a parent body so willing to assist the school in so many ways. Whether it be assisting in the classroom or on a field trip, preparing materials for a classroom, supervising at lunch, acting as Board members, School Council members, or FANHS members, coordinating hot lunches and Scholastic book orders, presenting in classrooms, helping with the Book Fair, or helping at special events, parents are always there to participate and lend support (our apologies if we missed some roles!).
It is amazing that no matter what needs to be done, parent help is always there.
We are truly grateful for such a supportive parent body. Our school is a better place with your participation!
Today New Horizons School hosted a Volunteer Tea to recognize the valuable contributions made by our parents. Staff prepared a wide range of food items, while some elementary classes provided entertainment with dancing and recorder ensembles.
Thank you so much to our parent volunteers. Stand up and take a bow!